A reduction in people attrition from 64% to 15%

The client is an insurance company which is rated the number 1 home insurance provider in the UK on an independent review website with over 1.4 million home and car insurance customers across the UK. The COO embarked on his THOUGHT INTELLIGENCE® journey and was so struck by what he learnt that he wanted to share the knowledge with his leadership team. His aim was to create a culture driven by the power of THOUGHT INTELLIGENCE® throughout the business.

The COO's initial journey was a big eye-opener and it took him a while to take it all in but, by the end of his journey, he understood that he was solely responsible for the clarity and perspective he had sought for so long.  

The subsequent leadership and culture work allowed the team to move from what was a busy-minded, fragmented group of people to a grounded, clear-thinking group of people thinking commercially and strategically. The outcomes included: alignment around a North Star ambition, a refined strategic plan, an operational plan, a comms plan. Underpinning this was a set of Leadership Intentions and a set of organisational values underpinned by THOUGHT INTELLIGENCE®.

Following their THOUGHT INTELLIGENCE® journey, the organisation put itself forward for the best Companies engagement survey and received, on their first ever attempt, a two-star outstanding award.  This is quite an achievement considering where it has come from. 

They also saw: a significant reduction in people attrition, from 64% to a manageable 15% in some areas, a significant uplift in pulse survey engagement scores, and growth in policy sales (66%) and renewals (97%).


Braver with an inner calm